TheActuary/Breakage = lying FRAUD


New member
Dec 12, 2004
You know the guy... TA at Major's, Breakage on the horse forums, used to be Sodium Pentathol here but he doesn't post here any more because he knows that he can't throw one of his hissy-fits and get Shrink to ban a poster for throwing his own nonsense back in his face. But anyway, he's been shooting his keyboard off lately about how Jeff Mullins should be thrown in jail for milkshaking and for his infamous "horseplayers are addicted idiots" statement.

But a few weeks ago, he posted at Major's, in response to another milkshaking incident:
IMHO Russ this is all an effort to try and block mob money-

which is

1)grossly illegal-who the f are they to say who can and can't bet? This is parimutuel-this is designed so everyone can bet.

2)a ridiculous waste of resources as it will never, ever happen.

So Mullins should "go to fukkin jail", but race-fixing mafia scum get a free pass. Because race-fixing mafia scum HAVE RIGHTS! Their money (which comes from illegal activities such as prostitution, gambling, kiddie porn, murder for hire, etc.) is just as good as anyone else's and it's downright unconstitutional to keep these criminals from fixing races and ripping off the mutuel pools. And we shouldn't try to stop them because you'll never stop the problem (unless you throw them in "fukkin jail"). Which gives me an idea... since you'll never stop people from doing drugs why doesn't the police department post a list of drug locations, to make it easier for the addicts to get their fix.

Funny how he goes ballistic when I post that the NY milkshakers should be punished but then says that Mullins should go to "fukkin jail" for the exact same thing (although without the mob connections). WHY? Is he just pissed that Mullins actually spoke the truth about what goes on in the backstretch? Or is there something more sinister involving the Philly Mob? Horseplayers may be "idiots" but they can add 2 and 2 so I'll leave it at that.
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New member
Sep 20, 2004

Cry me a river noodle...

You have been slamming dorks like yourself for months about them sending money to unknown posters and cappers and now we have to endure your bore and hear you whine like a BYOTCH...

Go stick your head in the toliet and flush for you are boring enough to rival DICKWAD




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